π§Development planning
This paper presents a thoughtful design for constructing FOGR network. However, we believe that this is only the beginning of decentralized fog computing engineering, research and design. We believe that this close integration of real-world hardware with blockchain and native tokens is a novel and valuable innovation that can be applied to other types of networks and physical layers. We believe that the future of the blockchain does not lie in who has the largest hash capacity or obtains the cheapest power, but in the fact that the mining proof in the blockchain is associated with providing valuable and verifiable services. We have taken or intend to take and start a number of development processes, including but not limited to:
Study the applicability of applying these ideas to other hardware physical layers (such as smart phones, cars, home appliances)
Explore the potential to provide 5g 60GHz + millimeter wave connectivity through similar designs
Study and implement more consensus proofs to ensure that the FOGR network remains secure in the development process
Game theory analysis of incentive system
Explore a higher cap on the kubernetes cluster management container
Scoring algorithms used in miners
Create and publish DCPP wireless specifications
Manufacture relatively dedicated equipment modules to be available when the FOGR network is started
Study the deployment of smart contract environment beyond basic FOGR primitives
Robust architecture and design patterns for scalable smart contracts
Blockchain interoperability
Continuous work and development of forward error correction technology
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