Layer2 scheme

FOGR layer 2 with the Layer 2 extension solution on optimistic rollups (ORU), ORU has many ideal features.Among all blockchain scalability technologies, it has incomparable characteristics, with the following characteristics:

Trust-free.Unlike traditional side-chain technology, the ORU is trust-free (or, more professionally, with trust minimization).You can withdraw your money from Rollup at any time without having to trust the vast majority of block producers on ORU are honest.

Licensed.Unlike Plasma,ORU, which is license-free.Anyone can become a block producer on ORU because all the block data on rollup is posted on Ethereum and is available from Ethereum.How to select the next leader is a specific implementation issue rather a fundamental limitation.

Unmanaged.Since ORU is both trusted and license-free, you can withdraw your money at any time, and no one can stop you.Therefore, the ORU is hosting-free.

Strong expression.Different from ZK rollup,ORU(from theory and practice) has a high expression.Whether it's Bitcoin-like UTXO payments or mature compatible EVM execution, ORU handles it.

Open participation.Unlike payment channels, ORU supports smart contracts and is open to everyone, as Uniswap does.

High capital efficiency.Unlike payment channels, ORU does not require users to lock in funds in advance.

Anti chain congestion.Unlike payment channels and Plasma,ORU, which can defend against congestion on the chain, because ORU fraud proves at the block level rather than a closing mechanism like the payment channel, or an exit mechanism like Plasma.

No new cryptography is required.Unlike ZK rollup,ORU, which does not require any new cryptography.

Fast (non-immediate) finality.Unlike ZK rollup,ORU, which does not need to generate a proof, the ORU block can be published immediately to Ethereum.Since valid ORU blocks cannot roll back, the final certainty like Ethereum was available once they were posted to Ethereum.

πŸ”΅1. The aggregator collects the transactions on rollup, packs them into the rollup block, and sends the rollup block together with the deposit (we will explain why the deposit is needed soon) to the smart contract on Ethereum (or another Ethereum like blockchain running a large number of smart contracts). This rollup block will not be translated or executed - the smart contract only records the block hash and tracks the hash of all rollup blocks. Rollup blocks themselves are not stored in smart contracts, but everyone can find them in Ethereum's historical transactions.

πŸ”΅2.The rollup block contains a status root, that is, the root of the status tree of the rollup block. If the status root is invalid, anyone can use fraud proof to prove it invalid during the challenge period. This may be because a transaction in the rollup block is invalid, or because the status root is invalid. If a rollup block is proved to be invalid, the contract will roll back the rollup chain, and all rollup blocks behind the invalid block will become isolated blocks. Once the fraud is proved successfully, part of the deposit will be paid to the certifier and the rest will be destroyed.

πŸ”΅3.If no fraud certificate is submitted until the end of the challenge period, the contract will finalize the rollup block and allow the aggregator to withdraw the deposit. When users withdraw money from the rollup chain to the main chain, they need to initiate a withdrawal request on the rollup chain. The money can be withdrawn only after the rollup block is finalized in the contract.

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