The world is becoming decentralized.Many platforms, technologies, and services are moving from centralized proprietary systems to decentralized, open systems.Now that Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other blockchain networks have shown the value of a decentralized trading ledger.Existing Internet services such as file storage, authentication, domain name systems are being replaced by modern blockchain-based versions of systems.
FOGR is a fog computing platform, a blockchain, a native protocol certificate.The region blockchain runs a new consensus protocol called FHPoS (FOGR Hybrid Proof of Stake).Miners who provide FOGR computing power submit the location proof and have access to the FOGR network through the relevant verification.Among them:
(1) The equipment is connected to the computing power network through the pledge,
(2) miners get certified by providing computing power,
(3) Miners can make fees from the transaction in certain ways and verify the integrity of the network.
The optimal solution for Kubernetes deployment, operation, operation and maintenance, service monitoring, capacity expansion and fault processing greatly reduces the technical and hardware thresholds of participants and enables access to more devices.As volume and network security grow, more different types of computing devices will eventually be covered.To build an efficient and adaptable global FOGR computing platform for the upcoming future of the Internet of Everything.
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